Open Call 2025

The CBC Open Call seeks to amplify proven solutions (“Blueprint Projects”) to accelerate the transition to a circular built environment in Europe. While there are existing efforts to address challenges to adopting circularity at scale, many of the solutions have been developed and tested within closed or limited environments, but have not reached its full market potential, or been widely diffused across the sector for the public good.

The Open Call supports circular innovators to:

● Identify promising approaches and solutions to identified challenge areas that have been proven to be feasible.
● Demonstrate market demand and de-mystify assumed barriers for circular solutions.
● Support the real-world demonstration and diffusion of scalable approaches and solutions across the built environment sector for the wider public good.
● Showcase inspiring examples of new approaches to creating change in the built environment to influence the industry to develop and diffuse such approaches.

Apply here

Open Call Challenge Areas

Challenge Area 1 – Demonstrate assurance on the quality of secondary materials
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A circular built environment promotes the (multiple) use of secondary products, components and materials. However, there is a perceived risk that the quality and condition of secondary materials is insufficient compared to new products, particularly among contractors and investors. The lack of warranties and assurance of secondary materials – often not covered by conventional insurance products – deters the use of these secondary materials. To realise the potential of replacing 10% of the demand for virgin materials with recovered materials from the existing building stock3, it is crucial to enable secondary building materials to compete with virgin materials through quality assurance.

Therefore, to support their adoption, the CBC is looking to support initiatives that can provide increased assurance on the quality and performance of secondary materials, and to help to dispel the perceived risks associated with these secondary materials and products.

Blueprint projects could include, but are not limited to, initiatives that:

● Provide standardised and scalable systems for validating and certifying the quality
and performance of secondary materials
● Demonstrate scalable insurance models for secondary materials and components within an environment of limited historical data.
● Build market confidence in secondary materials through transparent, data-backed performance assurance.
● Business models that integrate performance-based incentives and secondary material assurance into their operational model.
Challenge Area 2 – Showcase the value of secondary materials
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Within a circular economy, products are at their highest value for as long as possible and presents an opportunity to unlock new value across the construction and real estate sectors. However, in North-Western Europe, only 1% of this value is reclaimed,4 with recovery practices in the sector commonly favouring low-vary recycling over higher value material reuse and recovery. To date, there are limited demonstrations of methods and approaches to integrate circular principes into existing accounting and business model practices, which can perpetuate a greater perception of risk.

The CBC is looking to support initiatives that can demonstrate the potential to capture the additional value of circular practices in the sector, such as through the residual value of secondary materials, and through business models (such as Product-as-a-Service). The development of novel valuation and financing models and establishing an evidence-base of successful circular business models can help to enable the direction of increased amounts of funding to circular practices in the sector.

Blueprint projects could include, but are not limited to, initiatives that:

● Unlock CapEx investments through common finance models and instruments that mitigate higher initial costs of circularity throughout the transition period.
● Redistribute costs, risks, and profit of stakeholders in the value chain through finance models and contracts.
● Demonstrate standardised approaches for variation to the discounted cashflow model and articulate the financial benefits of the circular business case in practice.
● Quantify environmental and social benefits of secondary materials to positively influence investment decisions.
● Promote the demand for higher value secondary materials by unlocking barriers related to processes, logistics, infrastructure and collaboration of the value chain.
Challenge Area 3 - Unlock data and information flows across the value chain to facilitate and implement material reuse and recovery.
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Implementing a circular economy at scale across Europe’s built environment requires information on the material assets, such as on the types, quantities and qualities of materials that are present. Increasingly, data is increasingly being generated and used across the sector, such as by designers, insurance providers, developers and real estate companies. Yet, this is still often in silos, and the right data and information does not get shared with the right stakeholder at the right time to support reuse and recirculation of materials across throughout the supply chain.

Although there is increasing practices to capture information the nature of the building stock through for example, pre-demolition audits, inconsistent adoption and approaches to understand both the quantity and quality of materials and components limit proactive identification and re-use of materials. What’s more, a lack of efficiency in the matching of the availability of secondary materials and components with a reuse opportunity can lead to increased needs for storage and logistics. Therefore, unlocking the flows of information and data throughout the supply chain can help to unlock the flows of recirculated materials and capture value.

The CBC is looking to support initiatives that facilitate the consistent and transparent collation of data and facilitate new forms of collaboration throughout the supply chain to facilitate the circulation of resources and components.

Blueprint projects could include, but are not limited to, initiatives that:
● Employ digital technology and data to efficiently matchmake the supply and demand for secondary materials to allow for high-value reuse and reduce logistics and storage costs.
● Enhance transparency of the availability of secondary materials through efficient and feasible tracking and monitoring of building materials.
● Scale and expedite cataloguing of materials of existing real estate assets to improve transparency of future secondary materials stock.
● Demonstrate how data and information flows enable flexible workflows and processes across the value chain to support adaptable design with variable secondary material supply.

Applying to the call

Who can apply?
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Almost any start-up, company, or organization is eligible, as long as they have a registered office within Europe.
Exclusionary criteria:
● Core partner in the Circular Buildings Coalition.
● A past recipient of the Circular Buildings Coalition Blueprint project funding.
● Projects focused solely on biobased construction – see the Laudes Foundation’s ‘Built By Nature’ Programme:
What is a ‘Blueprint Project’?
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We define a ‘Blueprint project’ as an initiative that can help overcome existing market barriers to scale or create demand, or support the diffusion of a solution that accelerates the transition to a circular built environment. The solution is focused on maximising systemic change by providing economically sustainable market-oriented solutions.
Why apply to the Circular Buildings Coalition Open Call?
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● Impact: Maximise the systemic impact of your solution towards a circular built environment by diffusing it into the field.
● Funding: Secure grant funding to develop and execute that plan to diffuse your solution.
● Knowledge: Drawing upon the resources from the Circular Building Coalition, receive guidance by experts in the built environment, the circular transition, and those leading systemic change.
● Platform: Gain access to partner networks and communications channels to spread your solution.

You can find more about the Blueprint Projects supported in Cohort 1 (2023-2024) here:
Submitting an application
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The deadline to apply to the Open Call is 11 May, 2025 at 23:59 CET. You can submit your application via this link:

The application asks for relatively concise answers to 14 questions, totalling roughly three pages of text. You will be able to edit, save, and come back to your application.
Selection Committee
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The CBC Selection Committee to assess applicants will be formed and governed to meet the following principles of the CBC:

● Relevance: Ensuring that solutions selected fundamentally address the challenge areas identified and enable the diffusion of promising systemic solutions.
● Diversity: The process brings in a diversity of perspectives.
● Balance: The process ensures a balanced spread & diversity of solutions.
● Additionality: The process enables solutions to be developed and diffuse that would not have otherwise.
● Transparency: The process is transparent to consortium partners and those applying to the call.

The selection committee will be composed of CBC consortia members and funders, and external experts in specific challenge areas and geographies.
Phases of The Blueprint Project Funding
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The Blueprint Project Process will run for 6 months during the second half of 2025. During this time, grantees develop and pilot their solutions and consolidate outcomes to support scaling.

During this phase, grantees will receive the following:

CBC Support:
● Guidance: Grantees will receive 20 hours of mentoring support from the CBC that can be tailored to needs. This support can entail, for instance, reviewing core materials, limited technical support or sharing network resources.
● Guidance and network support: The CBC will support grantees with practical questions about implementation as well as accessing key network partners.
● Recommendations: Consortium partners will offer advice and recommendations at milestone points in the process.
● CBC Network: Access to a CBC Alumni network with previous Blueprint Project initiatives.

Funding: €70.000(euro) in soft funding, allocated on a conditional basis
● 75% of the grant will be disbursed upfront, and 25% will be disbursed after two progress reports8 are handed in over 6 months.

By the end of this phase, the CBC expects projects to:
● Piloted and/or carried out a real-world demonstration of the stated solution.
● Captured initial learnings from pilot/demonstration.
● Diffuse their solutions to target stakeholders, and in other cases engage stakeholders for potential future engagement.
● Develop a market- and exit-strategy for the initiative post-involvement with the CBC.
● Produced a concise publicly-facing output that summarises the initiative, lessons learned from the CBC piloting, and targeted next steps that can be openly shared by CBC and operates under a Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA.
Scoring Criteria
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Selection Criteria

The CBC will use the following criteria to assess submissions to the Open Call. There are eight selection criteria that will be used across three core themes:

• IMPACT: The potential positive impact of the initiative to accelerate the adoption of circularity in Europe’s built environment sector.
• SOLUTION: The originality and feasibility of the proposed initiative.
• TEAM: The team (or consortium) that is delivering the proposed initiative.

The assessment and selection will be undertaken in June 2025. Following which, the selection committee will collectively come to a decision to select a maximum of 6 grantees.
Dropdown Item 4
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Dropdown Item 4
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla facilisi. Sed sit amet accumsan arcu. Praesent vitae eros eget tellus tristique bibendum. Donec rutrum sed sem quis venenatis. Proin viverra, justo in pharetra mollis, elit velit luctus nunc, et tincidunt nunc ante sit amet urna. Ut ut metus nec nunc scelerisque ultricies.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla facilisi. Sed vitae sapien libero. Donec malesuada, ligula vel lacinia maximus, nunc elit tincidunt nisi, at egestas dui justo a velit. Sed ac elit vitae arcu suscipit cursus. Proin id turpis vel justo condimentum tincidunt. Sed at nisi at nunc cursus vehicula.

Fusce vel nisi sit amet nisi tincidunt hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed et sem ut nisi cursus aliquam. Integer nec massa at nulla gravida finibus. Proin vehicula, nunc at tincidunt fringilla, nulla erat malesuada odio, non dictum odio nisl ac justo. Mauris vitae est nunc. Integer euismod lacus nec velit commodo, vitae fermentum nisi bibendum.

Read the application questions here

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